
Marketing strategies in Kusuma Kartikasari Hotel Solo

Oleh :
Monika Gita Pramesthi - C9305053 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This report is based on the job training in Kusuma Kartikasari Hotel Solo. This report is based on the writer’s observation during the job training. The report is focused on the marketing strategies in Kusuma Kartikasari Hotel Solo. Marketing is an important thing to keep the existence of the hotel, to socialize their products and to increase profit. The objectives of this final project report are to find out the problems faced by marketing department in selling the products of Kusuma Kartikasari Hotel and to find out the strategy that marketing department used to attract the customers. The writer concluded that the strategies of Kusuma Kartikasari Hotel are done by using product policies, price policies, and promotion policies. These strategies are to know the strength and the weaknesses of the hotel. To overcome the weaknesses, the writer give some suggestion such as to increase the facilities, Kusuma Kartikasari Hotel needs to do a market research periodically so that the hotel can know the problems that are faced and tries to solve the problems. To defend the customers, Kusuma Kartikasari Hotel needs to increase the service, the accommodation and the facilities of the hotel. To improve the selling of the hotel product, the hotel must increase the quality of the services and skill of the employees to support the success in the marketing.