This research aimed to: (1) investigate whether or not the textbook has applied the scientific approach based on curriculum 2013, and (2) discover to what extent the textbook has applied the scientific approach based on 2013 curriculum. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, in particular, content analysis or documentary analysis. The subject of the research is a textbook for grade VII Junior High School students entitled English textbook entitled Interactive English I.
In analysing the data, this present research used a theory proposed by Elliot and Timulak (2005). Theory comprises several analysis steps, including data preparation, delineating and processing meaning units, finding an overall organizing structure for the data, generation of categories, and abstracting the main findings. The analysis was derived from five steps in scientific approach, involving observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating.
The result shows the textbook has 80% compatibility of scientific approach which means that the textbook categorized as a very good textbook to be used to implement scientific approach. However, there are also scarcities that should be considered for the betterment of the textbook. Suggestion and implication then be proposed in further explanation.
Keywords : Interactive English I, scientific approach, descriptive qualitative