Reservation and ticketing division in Sriwijaya Air Solo district
Oleh :
Nuryaning Melati AS Dewi - C9305061 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The objective of this report is to describe the activities of reservation and ticketing division in Sriwijaya Air district Solo.
There are two types of data collecting methods used in this final project. They are observation and library study. The collected data give specific information related to the activities of reservation and ticketing division in Sriwijaya Air district Solo.
Based on the observation done during the job training, the writer concludes that there are many activities done by reservation and ticketing division. The activities are handling telephone, making reservations, issuing tickets, giving information to the customers and checking in.
The strengths and weaknesses of the cases are therefore identified. The weaknesses usually come from the human errors and computer damages. From this condition, the writer suggests the Airline to overcome all the weaknesses immediately because the competition among airlines in Solo is very hard. The steps are by increasing the quality and quantity of services