The roles of Karanganyar tourism office in promoting the tourism potentials in Karanganyar
Oleh :
Nur Wulandari - C9305059 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The report is written based on the job training done by the writer in Administrasion Division of Karanganyar Tourism Office from February 1st to February 29th 2008.
The objectives of this final project are to describe the roles and the efforts of Karanganyar Tourism Office in promoting tourism potentials in Karanganyar.
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that Karanganyar Tourism Office has important role in promoting the tourism potentials in Karanganyar. Karanganyar Tourism Office as the local institution plays important role in order to support, promote and develop tourism object in Karanganyar. To promote the tourism potentials, Karanganyar Tourism Office has some efforts. They are: 1) Increasing promotion and tourism marketing, 2) Increasing the tourism attractions, 3) Increasing tourism guiding and counseling and 4) Providing, repairing and safeguarding the tourism facilities.