
Process of teaching vocabulary to the 5th grade students at SDN Nglorog 3 Sragen

Oleh :
Triana Sri Rejeki - C9305080 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This final project is written based on my job training as an English teacher in SDN Nglorog 3, Sragen. The objectives of this report are to describe the process of teaching vocabulary to the 5th grade students in SDN Nglorog 3, Sragen and to show problems and solutions in teaching vocabulary. The writer collected the data by observing the classroom and teaching directly in the class. Some conclusions could be drawn after analyzing the data. In introducing English vocabulary, the teacher used some different techniques, such as: using pictures, playing games, introducing simple sentence, and bringing real object. During the job training, the writer took some activities, for instance: observing the class, making lesson plan, and teaching English. In the process of teaching vocabulary, the writer did some activities, such as: greeting, explaining, giving assignments, and testing. The writer also showed some problems in the process of teaching vocabulary. The problems were student’s motivation, facilities, and course book. The writer also presented the solution to solve the problems.