
Strategic Planning of Human Resources Management in Supporting Indonesian Public Private Partnerships in Facing the Challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Oleh :
Nida Hanin Dary - D0413035 - Fak. ISIP

The era of globalization requires countries to use the sound governance paradigm where countries are interconnected and interdependent in global economic competition. This has an impact on the ease of conducting partnerships between countries such as the opening of great opportunities for foreign citizens to get employment opportunities in Indonesia by Public Private Partnerships which held among countries. However, Public Private Partnerships in Indonesia still face constraints on the limited quality of human resources. Indonesia's Human Development Index is still ranked in fifth place compared to ASEAN countries, which is equal to 0.689 in 2016. Collaborative activities in the global era have an impact on the high demands of organizational   performance,   where   the   implementer   organization   of   the   Public   Private Partnership must be able to adjust to the pace of international development. Therefore, human resources  in  Indonesia  are  required  to  be  improved  to  be  internationally  competitive,  then actively and innovatively synchronized with rapidly developing information technology so that human  resources  in  Indonesia  can  support  sustainable  development  and  will  not  be  easily replaced by modernization and digitalization. This study examines the strategic planning of human resource management so that it can produce innovative human resources that are capable to support the performance of Public Private Partnerships in Indonesia in facing towards the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research was conducted with literature review methods. Efforts to increase human resource capacity are carried out by creating human resource strategic planning based on analysis of the situation and potential of human resources, then training and development are carried out based on international standardization.

Keywords: strategic planning, human resources, Public Private Partnership, globalization, sound governance, Indonesia.