
Simbolisme Seni Patung Loro Blonyo

Oleh :
Edy Tri Sulistyo - 195607171986011002 - Fak. KIP

The objectives of research are to find out: (1) the cosmology form of loro blonyo sculpture in Javanese cultural context, (2) placement system of loro blonyo sculpture in “joglo” house structure relating to the concept of Javanese social-cultural environment balance, (3) loro blonyo sculpture as the most important element in its position in “pasren” room in Javanese custom house, and (4) the symbolicphilosophical meaning of loro blonyo sculpture art in Javanese cultural cosmology. Based on the result of research and discussion, it can be concluded: (1) The cosmology form of loro blonyo sculpture in the Javanese cultural context relating to the Javanese society particularly the one with rice planting as the earning; (2) The placement system of loro blonyo sculture in the “joglo” house structure relating to the concept of Javanese social-cultural environment balance; (3) Loro blonyo sculpture is the most important element in its position in the “pasren” room in Javanese custom house; (4) The symbolic-philosophical meaning of loro blonyo sculpture art in Javanese cultural cosmology is as the symbol of fertility (Dewi Sri) and prosperity (Sadana). Key words: loro blonyo, krobongan, pasren or petanen, joglo, Dewi Sri, Sadana.