

Pembelajaran biologi dengan group investigation melalui hands on activities dan e-learning ditinjau Dari kreativitas dan gaya belajar siswa (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Taruna Nusantara Kabupaten Magelang T.P 2008/2009 Materi Ekosistem)

Oleh :
Riyanti - S830208018 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

ABSTRAK The purpose of the research are to know: 1) influence of learning method (hands on Activities and e-learning) to the biology student’s achievement, 2) influence of creativity to the biology student’s achievement, 3) influence of learning style to the biology student’s achievement,4) interaction between learning method (hands on activities and e-learning) and creativity to the biology student’s achievement, 5) interaction between learning method (hands on activities and e-learning) and learning style to the biology student’s achievement, 6) interaction between creativity and learning syle to the biology student’s achievement, 7) interaction among learning method (hands on activities and e-learning), creativity and learning style to the biology student’s achievement. This research was carried out from July 2008 to December 2008. The population is student of SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang of grade X, consisting of 266 students from 10 parallel classes in the academic year 2008/2009. The number of the sample is 178 students. Independent variabel are learning method (hands on activities and e-learning), creativity and learning style. Dependent variabel is biology student’s achievement in cognitive domain. The data of creativity are collected by using verbal creativity test, while the data learning style are collected by using learning style (auditory, kinesthetics and visual) test. Student’s achievement in biology in cognitive domain are collected by using written test. The data are analyzed by using the technique of analysis of variance (anova) Based on the data analysis it can be concluded that 1) learning process approach through hands on activities produce higher achievement (76,00) than e-learning (68,13); 2) the students achievement of high creativity, middle and low creativity are 80,76, 75,01 and 60,37; 3) the achievement of students of visual learning syle (86,80) is higher than students of kinesthetic learning style (71,38) and students of auditory (65,38); 4) there is no interaction between learning method hands on activities and e-learning) and creativity to the biology student’s achievement 5) there is no interaction between learning method (hands on activities and e-learning) and learning style to the biology student’s achievement 6) there is no interaction between creativity and learning syle to the biology student’s achievement 7) there is no interaction among learning method (hands on activities and e-learning), creativity and learning style to the biology student’s achievement.