
Pre-service Teacher’s Experience Using Tpack-21 CL in Teaching Reading for High School Student: a Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Erika Novia Wardani - K2216022 - Fak. KIP


Erika Novia Wardani. K2216022. Pre-service Teacher’s Experience Using TPACK-21 CL in Teaching Reading for High School Students: A Narrative Inquiry. A Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Fculty of Sebelas Maret University, July 2020.

This study explicates the experiences of pre-service teacher in designing and practicing a lesson using Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for 21st Century Learning framework. The pre-service teacher integrates technology for the teaching learning process since it is needed to support the students in achieving the 21st century skills, especially in reading. This study applied narrative inquiry methods to present the finding. The pre-service teacher designed and practiced the lesson and then took reflection. The long study became one of the considerations for the pre-service teacher to develop her technological pedagogical content knowledge skills to be able to become a professional teacher.The finding shows that though the pre-service teacher was finally able to design the lesson and implement the aimed skills, the pre-service teacher still needed further discussion with the lecturers and the tutor-teacher. The development skills from the experience is important for a teacher to be able to design meaningful learning for the students.