
Translating Clients’ Translation Projects of Information Technology (IT), Automotive, and Marketing Products from English into Indonesian in PT STAR Software Indonesia

Oleh :
Christella Ayu Wulandari - B3117006 - Sekolah Vokasi


This final report was written based on the internship activity conducted at PT STAR Software Indonesia, which started from January 20 until March 13, 2020. The main objective of this internship report is to explain the activities done during the internship activity and the problems encountered along with the solutions. The main activity is to always deal with various translation projects of Information Technology (IT), Automotive, and Marketing products. This final report also covers the translation process that is implemented in every translation project.

The problems encountered when translating the translation projects were unfamiliar words, foreign terms, poor Wi-Fi connection, and difficult CAT Tools features. The strategies to overcome those problems were finding more references related to the difficult words/terms, using personal hotspot, and asking the supervisor or project managers for clearer guidance.