
Translating the Literary and Linguistic Articles at Balai Bahasa Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Oleh :
Joshua Levi Setiawan Putra - B3117019 - Sekolah Vokasi


The objectives of this report are to explain the whole internship activities during the internship program in Balai Bahasa Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta that focus on the translating activities especially the translation of Literary and Linguistic Articles.

I did this internship program in the group consists of four, Ignatius Bagas Wicaksono, Faishal
Muhammad Irfan, Ridho Ramadhan Widodo, and me. The internship program done on January
13th, 2020 until March 13th, 2020 was divided into two form of activity, the main activity and secondary activity. The main activity consists of translation activity of literary and linguistic articles. In addition, the secondary activity consists of translation activity of various articles, visitation, and annual anniversary celebration of Sanggar Sastra Jawa Yogyakarta.

In this final report, I would like to explain more detail about the translation process of literary
and linguistic articles by using the translation method stated by Nida & Taber completed with the translation technique stated by Molina & Albir. The translation method and technique were also used to help me in translating other kinds of article in the secondary activities. Finally, in this
final report, I would also approve that the using of Nida & Taber translation method and Molina
& Albir translation technique is very effective in order to solve the translation problem shown in the articles which are translated.

Keywords:  Translation, Translation Technique, Translation Method