
Translating General and Marketing Texts at PT STAR Software Indonesia

Oleh :
Noor Rismanilla - B3117027 - Sekolah Vokasi


Based on my internship activities at PT STAR Software Indonesia, this internship report was written and accomplished elaborately. The internship program started on the 20th of January to the 13th of March, 2020. I worked five days a week, from Monday to Friday. The objectives of this report are to discuss the translation of the general and marketing text of decathlon.id.
I translated a dummy text, a project from a client that had already finished. The focus of this internship report is translating the Indonesian project into the English one. Before I applied several translation techniques to solve the problems of the translation process during my internship activities, three steps such as analyzing, transferring, and restructuring, were implemented. During the internship program, I faced various problems such as, miscue, restructuring the translation results that are difficult to understand, translating the product’s name, and choice of word. To solve the problem, I searched solutions from a journal, web dictionary, google and discussed the matter with the PIC. Evaluation and correction stand to provide improvements to future projects.
Thus, I could conduct and achieve better translation results. Keywords: Translation, general text, marketing text