
Translating Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Car-Seal and Locks, and Editing International Organization for Standardization (ISO) of DL-02-02 at PT. Bina Guna Kimia, Semarang.

Oleh :
Prisma Dwi Ariana - B3117028 - Sekolah Vokasi


This final report is written based on the internship program at PT. Bina Guna Kimia Semarang. It was started from January 13 to March 13, 2020. In this final report describe the activities during the internship program at PT. Bina Guna Kimia Semarang. The writer did two kinds of activities, main activities and additional activities. The main activities were translating Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and editing
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The additional activities were translating Warning Signs, entering Near Miss and Monitoring by Walking Around (MBWA) into company system, and translating video transcript.
There were some problems that the writer faced during the internship program such as there were no internet access in the environment, health, and safety (EHS) department, difficult phrase, translating technical terms and unfamiliar machine names. To solve those problems, the writer needed to buy extra quota so she had her own hotspot, using online and offline dictionaries, searching the difficult words on the internet, discussed with friend, and asked the supervisor about the difficulties.

Keyword: Internship activities, PT. Bina Guna Kimia Semarang.