
Translating Javanese Horoscope, Brochure, and Guidebook from Indonesian to English at Radyapustaka Museum of Surakarta

Oleh :
Samuel Satrio Yogo Nuswantoro - B3117035 - Sekolah Vokasi


The internship report was written in order to (1) describe the activities during the internship program at UPT Museum of Surakarta conducted from January 6, 2020 to March 6, 2020, (2) explain the problems faced dealing with the translation process, and (3) mention and describe methods to solve the problems.

During the internship program at UPT Museum of Surakarta, there were several activities conducted. The main activity of the internship program was translating Javanese Horoscope (pawukon), brochure of Radyapustaka Museum, and guidebook of Radyapustaka Museum. Meanwhile, the additional activities done in the institution was guiding the local and international tourists. In translating texts, there existed problems, i.e. bad structure of the source text, Javanese references, different information from sources, and inappropriate choice of words. Moreover, there were several efforts done to solve the problems, such as looking for further information in dictionaries, internet, journals, and asking the philologist and supervisor of the museum.