
Translating English Children Storybooks at Ganesa Library, Sukoharjo

Oleh :
Yosi Varela - B3117039 - Sekolah Vokasi


This report is written based on the internship program at Ganesa Library. The objective of this report is to describe (1) my internship activities done from January 21 until March 15, 2020; (2) the problems encountered, and (3) the way I did to solve those problems. I worked in a group. We had three projects. They were translating children’s English storybooks as the main internship activity, telling stories for children every Saturday and creating bilingual poster for children’s room as secondary activities.  I translated five children storybooks from English into Indonesian. The problems that appeared during doing the main activity encompassed the problem in difficult to translate into children language and lack of vocabularies, the children were difficult to be invited into storytelling program, choosing the poster title. The way I did to
solve those problems were I opened online dictionary, searched the internet, asked my internship
partner, asked the children with some questions to get the children’s attention and tried to
observe something those children did not care about.