
Hubungan antara kejadian abortus dengan usia ibu hamil di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta pada tahun 2008

Oleh :
Johan Nafis Raden - G0003121 - Fak. Kedokteran

ABSTRAKSI Abortion have high of frequency in Indonesia it is around 750.000 – 1.5 million. This is was influent by ages of the mom when she was pregnant. The research is a Observational Analysis and cross sectional research design. Main purpose of this research is to know relationship between abortion and age of pregnant women in RSUD moewardi surakarta . The research was held in January 2008 – 31 December 2008 in Medical Record Departement RSUD dr. Moewardi Surakarta with total sample 40 people. We use chi – square analysis at SPSS for Windows ver. 12, at sygnificancy levels 0.05 and Ho there is no relationship between abortion and age of pregnant women in RSUD moewardi surakarta. In this research we get Chi-squarehitung (13.333) is higher than value of chi-squaretabel 3.841. Depend on probability (0.001) is smaller than 0.05 that is indicate there is a sygnifican relationship between abortion and age of pregnant women in RSUD moewardi Surakarta. And contingency coefficient is 0.82 it was shown that correlation between abortion and age of pregnant woment in rsud moewardi surakarta in 2008 included in high category.