
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Prinsip Latihan pada PB All Star Karanganyar Tahun 2019

Oleh :
Rhizoma Dwi Prabowo - K5614042 - Fak. Keolahragaan


The purpose of this study is to determine the general implementation of the training principles in terms of the training principles (progressive, overload, reversibility, specificity, individual trait).
This study uses a qualitative program evaluation approach method. Data analysis using formative evaluation models. Data collection is done by observation, interviews and documentation.
Based on the results of the research that has been taken, it can be concluded, 1) the progressive principle in PB ALL STAR Karanganyar has run well and the training program is in accordance with the applied training principles. 2) the principle of Overload has run quite well, because the needs of athletes are different and cannot be compared to the needs of the training program above the athlete's ability. 3) the principle of reversibility is going well because the coach has determined an exercise program to restore the athlete's technique or physicality. 4) the principle of specificity has run quite well because the specificity training program is only carried out before the race and does not use training periods. 5) the principle of individual traits has gone well because grouping of athletes based on the ability of athletes not to use age groups.
The conclusion from the results of the research and discussion is that the club of PB ALL STAR Karanganyar has implemented the principles of training well, but there are obstacles to determining the overload load for each athlete is not good enough and special training using training periods is not maximally used properly. Because it can hamper the achievement of athletes PB ALL STAR Karanganyar.

Keywords : Evaluation of the Implementation of Exercise Principles on PB ALL STAR