

Asesmen Budaya Organisasi dalam Mendukung Internasionalisasi di Universitas Sebelas Maret Tahun 2015-2019

Oleh :
Nurgita Hapsari Dwi Jayaningtyas - S241708010 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


Until now there has been no research that examines internationalization in aspects of organizational culture and most research on internationalization examines aspects of challenges and strategies, both of which are examined separately. Therefore, this study seeks to examine all three in one study, using the cultural assessment theory by Thusman O'Reilly, which focuses on synchronizing the challenges faced, the strategies prepared, and the organizational culture that supports strategies to face challenges. This study uses a mixed-method with a sequential exploratory model. In the qualitative method using a qualitative descriptive approach, the data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis by Miles and Huberman, wherein the data reduction stage taxonomic analysis is included to analyze the internationalization challenges faced by UNS and the strategies prepared. While the quantitative method is used a quantitative descriptive approach, with data analysis techniques namely OCAI (Organization Culture Assessment Instrument) perception analysis to determine the tendency of organizational culture that is currently developing an organizational culture that is expected to support strategies in meeting challenges. The technique of determining respondents using purposive sampling, which amounted to 24 respondents. The results showed that the challenges of internationalization of UNS were divided into two categories, namely external and internal challenges, external challenges of internationalization of UNS, namely the dynamics of world higher education competition, then strategies prepared include inbound/outbound scholar exchange, global challenges, short intensive courses, and global talent . While the internal challenges of UNS are publication habits, international communication, international internship for students, and internationalization for administration staff, then strategies that have been prepared are journaling clinics, workshops and international internship briefing, and language courses. After a more in-depth analysis of the challenges and strategies, it was found that several strategies did not work as expected, because the existing strategies were not supported by the behavior patterns of the academic community. Then for the results of the analysis of perception shows that there is a gap between the culture that is currently developing with the expected culture. The culture that is currently developing is Clan culture, which is characterized by its members creating kinship and tends to be harmonious, but with such conditions giving enough feelings and bringing organizational members into a comfort zone, they are not challenged to make changes because they already feel enough about the state of the organization which is currently being felt. Whereas the culture that is expected to support various strategies to face the challenges of internationalization of the UNS is Hierarchy culture, which is characterized by a formal workplace, work processes are regulated in a standard and systematic manner, management is emphasized on strict control and control of internal conditions to create stability. Hierarchy culture is considered to support the achievement of goals when the internal state of the organization still requires close attention and control because it cannot yet support strategies to face challenges. This research recommends that it is necessary to change the culture into a Hierarchy culture, without eliminating the positive side of Clan culture, namely participation, teamwork, and familiarity. Hierarchy culture is deemed necessary to be developed because it sees the internal conditions of UNS that do not yet support internationalization, with Hierarchy culture expected to create strong and stable internal conditions through binding policies, thus internationalization that starts from a necessity will encourage the academic community to improve their abilities and want to contribute in internationalization activities.

Keywords: Internationalization, Higher Education, Assessment, Organizational Culture