

Analyzing Lecturers’ Questionings During Classroom Activities Based On Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Oleh :
Dhestyn Ervina Sigit Cahyaningtyas - S891802005 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research was aimed to: (1) investigate the levels of questioning constructed by the lecturers of English Department of one university in Jawa Timur construct, (2) determine the level of questioning mostly used by the lecturers of English Department of one university in Jawa Timur construct, and (3) describe the challenges faced by the lecturers of English Department of one university in Jawa Timur construct in applying oral HOTS.
The study was qualitatively conducted as a case study to retrieve a reputable understanding of the phenomenon. The problems focused on lecturers’ questionings based on the cognitive levels of Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Furthermore, the study also gathered the data by conducting classroom observations, interviews, and focus group discussion. The exploration was conducted by involving three participants selected with careful consideration; First, they were adequately knowledgeable regarding the topic or any English teaching theories. Second, they had sufficient experience and exposures regarding the topic.
The research findings indicated an issue, both the levels of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy, which were LOTS and HOTS, occurred in this study. LOTS were the most frequent level influenced by the challenges faced by the lecturers, that were the difficulties to implement proper stimuli, the difficulties in applying oral HOTS for every subject or material, the difficult material, the students’ vocabulary mastery, and the inactive students. This study reflected that the most important was improving teachers and lecturers’ knowledge of HOTS, especially HOTS-based questioning. Additionally, the institution might know the quality of their teachers and lecturers’ teaching and learning process for further action facilitating them to increase their professional experience.

Keywords:  Lecturers’ questioning, Bloom’s Taxonomy