
The Teachers’ Belief and Practices of Teaching English Pronunciation in Senior High Schools in Surakarta (A Descriptive Study at SMA N 4 Surakarta and SMA Al-ISLAM 1 Surakarta in Academic Year 2017/2018)

Oleh :
Amira Adilla Hadi - K2213004 - Fak. KIP

Pronunciation is one area of English teaching learning which is often neglected. Belief of the teachers is one of the determinants in the practice of teaching English pronunciation. The purposes of this study are: (1) to find out the teachers’ belief of teaching English pronunciation; (2) to describe the teachers’ practices of teaching English pronunciation. The data were obtained by using observation, interview for four English language teachers, and document analysis from the teachers of SMA N 4 and SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta. Their responses were subjected to qualitative descriptive analysis. The findings of the research revealed that the teachers believe that pronunciation is important skill to be taught to the students. In fact, in teaching learning pronuciation process, the teachers did not teach the material of pronunciation in detail, and they used drilling as a method to teach pronunciation so the students only know how to produce words in the same way as the teachers’. Instead of pronunciation, the focus of the teachers is to make the students good in reading and writing skill and to improve the ability of students to answer the question in final examination.

Keywords: Pronunciation, Teachers’ Belief, Teachers’ Practices