
The Need of Vocational Teacher Standard Competencies and Professionalism Concept in Indonesian Vocational Education System

Oleh :
Yuyun Estriyanto - 197801132002121009 - Fak. KIP

The Indonesian government had ratified Law No. 14 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers and it become the first Indonesian government provision which acknowledges teacher as a profession and became the main regulation on how the teaching profession in Indonesia should be administered. The regulation of Indonesian Minister of National Education No. 16 2007 has define standar competence of any type of Indonesia teachers except vocational productive subject matter teachers. This article review any literatures relating with teacher professionalim and competency standard, linking to some steps in teacher professionalism development program, and showing how the competency and professionalisme concept are needed in each program. The five program meant here are: (1) bachelor in teacher education in universities; (2) teacher professional education (PPG); (3) teacher performance assessment (PKG); (4) annual teacher competency test (UKG); and (5) teacher continuing professional development (PKB). Each program need the conception of professionalism and government policy is a missing link in the teacher professionalism development chain.

Keywords : vocational teacher, teacher competency standard, teacher professionalism, vocational teacher