
Online Social Movement In Jack Of Clubs (BXB), A Wattpad Story By Promise_Me_Hope

Oleh :
Resa Enggarwati Ningrum - B0316032 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Wattpad, as storytelling social media, is facilitating place and space for people worldwide, including LGBTQ+. The social media era shifts the social movement approach, and Wattpad becomes one platform spreading online social movement. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the use of online social movement LGBTQ in Wattpad through the Jack of Clubs (BXB) story.

This research used a descriptive qualitative research design for collecting and analyzing the data. The primary data were taken from the Jack of Clubs (BXB) story and comments. This study applied the digital fiction approach and online social movement theory to describe the campaign of LGBTQ+ in Wattpad Platform.

This research found that the Jack of Clubs (BXB) story represented  i the process of gay coming out. The author, as the non-elite actors, succeeded to create the story triggering readers' responses which created interactivity between readers. Although responses written in the comment section did not show audiences' participation in LGBTQ movement, contextualizing the story in the time of the popularity of online social movement of LGBTQ, still it shows that this story is successful to attract readers at least to make them understand the bitter life of the gay people.

Keyword: Online Social Movement, Coming Out, LGBTQ+, Wattpad, Digital