
Waiter / waitress section in Gambir Sakethi restaurant of Sahid Kusuma hotel Surakarta

Oleh :
Fradila Prayanatan Prisky - C9305117 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRAK 2009. English Diploma Program Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University This final project is written based on the job training, which has been carried out in April, 2008 in Sahid Kusuma Hotel Surakarta. The writer took a job as waiter in Gambir Sakethi Restaurant of Sahid Kusuma Hotel to observe and practice the job of waiter / waitress in the restaurant and also to find the difficulties faced by the waiter / waitress during their job. The objectives of this report are: 1) to describe the job of waiter / waitress in Gambir Sakethi Restaurant, 2) to explain the problem faced by waiter / waitress in Gambir Sakethi Restaurant. Thus in this final project, the writer only discusses the job of waiter / waitress in Gambir Sakethi Restaurant of Sahid Kusuma Hotel Surakarta. In writing this final report, the writer collected data by observing the Gambir Sakethi Restaurant of Sahid Kusuma Hotel Surakarta, interviewing the waiter and waitress and some guest in the restaurant during the job. In conclusion, the waiter and waitress in Gambir Sakethi Restaurant of Sahid Kusuma Hotel Surakarta have duties which are divided into three main parts, there are before restaurant open, during restaurant open, and during restaurant closed. The waiter and waitress also faced some problems while doing their job; they are the limited equipments in the restaurant, the lack of their skill, and the guest’s complaint. The writer also gives some solution to handle the problem.