

Optimalizing The Use of Youtube Videos to Enhance Students’ Literal and Inferential Listening Comprehension ( A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of the PDCI Program at MTS N Ponorogo in the Academic Year of 2016/2017 )

Oleh :
Haniati Marah - S891308017 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


YouTube is a website designed for sharing videos. It is intended for people to share and post original video content. Some YouTube channels provide some tutoring which benefit people in learning things including learning a language. Considering the use of YouTube videos can be brought in education, many schools integrate their classes with it.   This article deals with a Classroom Action Research on the use of YouTube at MTs Negeri, Ponorogo, East Java.  This research is aimed to find out whether: (1) the use of YouTube videos can improve the PDCI program students’ skills in literal and inferential listening comprehension. (2) there are some difficulties in using YouTube videos in teaching listening. The research was conducted in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of: planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting the observation results. Direct observation, journal, and questionnaire are used in this research to collect data. The data collected was then analyzed by using a thematical analysis to obtain qualitative description. Meanwhile the quantitative description was attained by finding the mean score of the rater. The results of the research reveal: (1) YouTube videos can enhance students’ literal and inferential listening skills. It can also improve the listening class atmosphere as well as students’ motivation to practice listening outside of the class.  In addition, the uses of varied English accents in listening materials improve students’ familiarity to any English accents.  (2) The difficulties found during the use of YouTube videos deal with the availability of stable internet connection; the students’ tendency toward a certain English accent which they think easier to catch. Considering the results, YouTube videos are appropriate to be used in listening class. They are also potential to be the media for other English skills teaching. Therefore, I suggest the other researchers consider YouTube as their research subject. 
Key words: YouTube Videos, Literal listening skills, inferential listening skills.