
Budidaya tanaman sawi (brassica juncea l.) di kebun benih hortikultura (kbh) Tawangmangu

Oleh :
Fitri Kustanto - H3306007 - Fak. Pertanian

ABSTRAK agriculture especially at mustard crop cultivation. Execution of apprentice was done on Februari 9th until March 9th 2009 in KBH Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, Surakarta. Basic method applied in this practice was field practice, discussion, interview, data collecting and book study. While retrieval of location practice of apprentice was done intentionally. KBH TAWANGMANGU selected as place of apprentice because yielding a lot of seeds required by public either from vegetable commodities, fruits and ornamental plant. Cultivation of mustard crop conducting in KBH Tawangmangu applies seed because more efficient, economical of field and labor. Election of seeds for mustard crop by the way of choosing a good seed, having black color, or from a good prime crop. Way of cultivation with disseminating directly to the field, before mustard crop is planted, its started with soaking at warm water for ± 2 – 3 hour to break dormancy period of seeds. Maintenance activity of mustard crop covers crop thinning, mowing and bedding and additional fertilization. Additional fertilization in KBH Tawangmangu is done 2 times that is 15 day after planted and 35 day after planted. Fertilizer is Urea accompanied with inorganic foliar fertilizer of Atonic and Metalic. Pest control is done mechanically and chemically. Harvesting of mustard is done 2 times that is 35 day after planted and 50 day after planted, with characteristic of mustard which having wide leaf and starts enters generative phase or will emerge flowers. Keyword : cultivation of mustard crop