
A Study of Swearing Words in Fan-Made Indonesian Subtitle of the Deadpool Movie with Appraisal Theory Approach

Oleh :
Fernando Harijanto Saputro - B0316015 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This research focuses on discovering the Appraisal elements of swearing words found in the original script of the movie entitled “Deadpool” and the fan-made Indonesian subtitle and the accuracy and the acceptability level of their translation.
The study employed qualitative descriptive method with total sampling technique. Two kinds of data were collected, namely primary data, comprising all swearing words in the movie entitled Deadpool and their translation, collected from one of the fan-made Indonesian subtitles found on the Internet, and secondary data collected through questionnaire and in-depth nterview.
There are   92 data containing Appraisal elements in ST and 92 in TT. The findings show that there are 56 data of Dissatisfaction: Displeasure in ST but 49 data in TT, 12 data of Unhappiness: Antipathy in ST but 6 data in TT, 8 data showing Insecurity: Disquiet in ST but 5 data in TT, 5 data showing Insecurity: Surprise in ST but 1 datum in TT, Security: Confidence 3 data in ST but 1 datum in TT, 2 data showing Unhappiness: Misery both in ST and TT, 2 data showing Dissatisfaction: Ennui only in ST, 1 datum showing Satisfaction: Interest in both texts, and 1 datum evaluating  Inclination:  Fear  in  both  texts.  Meanwhile,  The  Force  and  Focus Graduation were identified in 92 data of swearing in ST but 49 data in TT, Metaphor (9 data in TT), Attitudinal Lexis (4 data in TT), Intensifier (2 data in TT), Focus: sharpen (1 data in TT), and soften (1 data in TT).
In assessing the data, this research used an instrument which assessed accuracy and acceptability aspects of the translation. The instrument measures accuracy and acceptability aspects based on three parameters: accurate, less accurate, and innacurate for accuracy; and acceptable, less acceptable, and unacceptable for acceptability. The general trend for accuracy assesment in this research tends to be accurate. In the Affect analysis, 51 TT data (55%) are evaluated accurate, 15 data (16%) are less accurate, and 26 data (28%) are inaccurate. The Graduation analysis demonstrates that 49 TT data (53%) are accurate, 17 data (18%) are less accurate, and 26 data (28%) are inaccurate. Dealing with the acceptability level, the translation of the swearing words in this fan-made subtitle is considered as acceptable. Of 92 TT data, 65 (70%) are considered as acceptable, 11 (12%) are less acceptable, 16 (17%) are unacceptable.