

Analisis Antropologi Sastra, Nilai Pendidikan Karakter, Novel Upacara dan Api Awan Asap Karya Korrie Layun Rampan Serta Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Materi Ajar Sastra di SMA

Oleh :
Devvi Agitha Anggi A - S841908003 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


           Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan: (1) Wujud kompleksitas ide, (2) Wujud kompleksitas aktivitas, (3) Wujud kompleksitas hasil budaya, (4) Nilai pendidikan karakter novel Api Awan Asap karya Korrie Layun Rampan, dan (5) Kebermanfaatan novel Upacara dan Api Awan Asap karya Korrie Layun Rampan sebagai materi ajar sastra di SMA.

           Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan antropologi sastra. Data analisis wujud budaya dan nilai pendidikan karakter dalam novel Upacara dan Api Awan Asap karya Korrie Layun Rampan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan data hasil wawancara dengan guru dan siswa terkait pemanfaatan materi ajar sastra. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari studi pustaka, wawancara mendalam, sumber-sumber seperti artikel, buku, jurnal, penelitian terdahulu, dan penelitian yang relevan. Penelitian ini mengacu pada analisis yang meliputi analisis dokumen, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Validitas data yang digunakan yaitu triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Sementara teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles and Huberman.

           Hasil penelitian meliputi (1) Kompleksitas ide berupa hakikat hidup manusia, karya manusia, kedudukan manusia dalam ruang dan waktu, kedudukan manusia dengan alam sekitarnya, dan hakikat hubungan manusia dengan sesamanya. Data yang paling dominan yaitu komplekitas ide hakikat karya manusia. (2) Kompleksitas aktivitas meliputi aktivitas kekerabatan, perekonomian, pendidikan, keindahan dan rekreasi, religi, politik, dan kebutuhan jasmani. Data yang paling banyak yaitu aktivitas religi. (3) Kompleksitas hasil kebudayaan berkaitan dengan bahasa, pengetahuan, organisasi sosial, sistem peralatan hidup dan teknologi, alat mata pencaharian, sarana religi, dan kesenian. Data terbanyak yaitu kompleksitas hasil budaya berbentuk bahasa. (4) Nilai pendidikan karakter meliputi rasa syukur, kerja keras, kebijaksanaan, kendali diri, kasih, ketabahan, keadilan, sikap positif, kerendahan hati, dan intergritas. Nilai pendidikan karakter ketabahan yang paling dominan. (5) Pemanfaatan wujud budaya dan nilai pendidikan karakter menggunakan kajian antropologi sastra dalam kedua novel memiliki relevansi dengan materi ajar sastra di SMA.

Kata Kunci:  novel, antropologi sastra, nilai pendidikan karakter, materi ajar



          This study aimed to describe and explain: (1) the complexity of ideas, (2) the complexity of activities, (3) the complexity of cultural outcomes, (4) the educational values of the character Api Awan Asap novel by Korrie Layun Rampan, and (5) the usefulness of the novel Upacara and Api Awan Asap by Korrie Layun Rampan as literature teaching and learning materials in senior high school.

          This research is descriptive qualitative research using a literary anthropological approach. Data analysis of cultural manifestations and education character values ??in the novel Upacara and Api Awan Asap by Korrie Layun Rampan. In addition, this study also used data from interviews with teachers and students related to the use of literature teaching and learning materials. Data collection techniques were obtained from literature studies, in-depth interviews, sources such as articles, books, journals, previous researches, and relevant researches. This research referred to the analysis which included document analysis, interviews, and documentation studies. The validity of the data used source triangulation and method triangulation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman interactive model.

           The results of the study include (1) The complexity of ideas in the form of the nature of human life, human work, the position of humans in space and time, the position of humans with the natural surroundings, and the nature of human relationships with each other. The most dominant data is the complexity of the idea of ??the nature of human work. (2) The complexity of activities includes kinship activities, economy, education, beauty and recreation, religion, politics, and physical needs. The most data is religious activity. (3) The complexity of cultural outcomes is related to language, knowledge, social organization, living equipment systems and technology, means of livelihood, religious facilities, and the arts. The most data is the complexity of cultural products in the form of language. (4) The values ??of character education include gratitude, hard work, wisdom, self-control, love, fortitude, justice, positive attitude, humility, and integrity. The most dominant value of fortitude character education. (5) The use of cultural forms and the value of character education using literary anthropology studies in the two novels has relevance to literature teaching materials in high school.

Keywords: novel, literary anthropology, education character value, teaching and materials