Sintesis kopoli(Anetol-Stearil Akrilat-Divinilbenzena) atau KASA-DVB berhasil dilakukan melalui reaksi kopolimerisasi kationik menggunakan inisiator BF3O(C2H5)2 dan SA dengan variasi 2%, 4?n 6% (b/b). Produk yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi gugus fungsi, struktur, morfologi, viskositas intrinsik dan sifat termalnya berturut-turut menggunakan FTIR, 1H-NMR, SEM-EDX, Viskometer Ostwald dan TG/DTA-DSC. Uji kinerja adsorpsi senyawa dilakukan dengan metode batch dan konsentrasi adsorbat ditentukan dengan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Data FTIR menunjukkan hilangnya serapan gugus alil dan vinil sementara data 1H-NMR menunjukkan hilangnya H-alil dan H-vinil yang mengindikasikan KASA-DVB berhasil disintesis. Penambahan konsentrasi SA dapat meningkatkan nilai viskositas intrinsik. Analisis morfologi KASA-DVB diperoleh padatan dengan permukaan yang relatif kasar dan jumlah rongga semakin sedikit. Analisis termogram TG/DTA-DSC menunjukkan penurunan sifat termal yaitu diperoleh titik inisiasi degradasi massa yang lebih rendah. Nilai kapasitas adsorpsi tertinggi diperoleh dari hasil uji kinerja adsorpsi pada waktu kontak ke-60 menit dan variasi berat SA 2%. Berdasarkan data kinerja adsorpsi, menunjukkan bahwa KASA-DVB memiliki potensi sebagai adsorben.
Synthesis of copoly(Anethole-Stearyl Acrylate-Divinylbenzene) or KASA-DVB was successfully carried out by a cationic copolymerization reaction using BF3O(C2H5)2 inisiator and various concentration of SA are 2%, 4% and 6% wt. The resulting products were characterized by functional groups, structure, morphology, intrinsic viscosity and thermal properties using FTIR, 1H-NMR, SEM-EDX, Ostwald Viscometer and TG/DTA-DSC, respectively. The adsorption performance was analyzed using batch method and adsorbate concentration was determined by UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The FTIR data showed loss of allyl and vinyl groups absorption, while 1H-NMR data showed loss of H-allyl and H-vinyl which indicated that KASA-DVB was successfully synthesized. The increase of SA concentration can increases the intrinsic viscosity value. Morphological analysis of KASA-DVB obtained solid materials with a relatively rough surface and fewer cavities. Thermogram analysis of TG/DTA-DSC showed a decrease in thermal properties which concluded that a lower mass degradation initiation point. The highest adsorption capacity was obtained from the adsorption performance with contact time of 60 minutes and 2% SA weight variation. Based on the adsorption performance data, it shows that KASA-DVB has potensial as an adsorbent.