
An Analysis of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy in Reading Exercises

Oleh :
Oky Hanafi Syarif - K2217063 - Fak. KIP

The aim of this study is to identify what types of Bloom's Taxonomy's cognitive domains are found in the reading exercises and investigate how reading exercises cover the Higher Order Thinking Skills.

This research is a qualitative study that uses content analysis. The data source in this study is an English textbook entitled "FORWARD An English Course for Vocational High School Students Grade XI." Moreover, the data are collected by doing document analysis. Then, the interactive model proposed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) is used to analyze the data.

The results of this study show that Remembering, Understanding, Applying, and Analyzing are the Cognitive Levels discovered in the reading exercises and the reading exercises that cover Higher Order Thinking Skills are only Analyzing level that consists of 3 out of 121. No question that belongs to the Evaluating and Creating level. Most of the reading exercises in the textbook belong to Lower Order Thinking Skills. However, Higher Order Thinking Skills is crucial because it can improve students' critical thinking skills and help them survive in an English communication environment. After all, Higher Order Thinking Skills address academic issues and everyday life, which provide logical knowledge and results.

These results suggest that the teacher can also plan and determine the appropriate reading materials for the students by using various sources other than books that can be used as teaching material to overcome the problems.