
The Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Business English Conversation Class

Oleh :
Ade Kurnia Ramadhani - K2214001 - Fak. KIP

Ade Kurnia Ramadhani. K2214001. The Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL) In Business English Conversation Class (A Case Study of Business English Conversation Class of English Education Department Sebelas Maret University 2018/2019). Thesis. Surakarta. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. 2021.

The aim of this study is to find out:  (1) Lecturer’s perception of Project-Based Learning in Business English Conversation class; (2) The steps of implementing Project-Based Learning in Business English Conversation class; (3) The problems found during the implementation of Project-Based Learning; and (4) The solutions used to overcome the problems found during the learning process.

The study is a case study which is a kind of qualitative research. The respondent of this research was a lecturer of Business English Conversation class of English Education Department Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. The respondent was chosen based on the purpose of the study through purposive sampling. The data collection techniques used in this study are interview, questionnaire, and observation.

The findings of this research show that: (1) The lecturer has positive perception in conducting Project-Based Learning in Business English Conversation class; (2) The lecturer implements Project-Based Learning in Business English Conversation class in 3 stages namely (a) Pre-Project making: topic selection, grouping, ideas development, and timeline explanation; (b) Project making: ideas finalization and video making process; (c) Post-Project making: product presentation and evaluation; (3) There are five problems which are found during the implementation of Project-Based Learning in Business English Conversation class: missing timeline, lacking of students’ curiosity, grouping, and assessing the presentation; and (4) In overcoming the problems found in the implementation of Project-Based Learning in Business English Conversation class, the lecturer gave tolerance to the students' excuses, grouped the students by considering their gender, activeness, and English proficiency, visited each group to control the progress and discussion, and focused on the content and language features for the final assessment.