
Pengaruh Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi, Konflik Pekerjaan-Keluarga, dan Konflik Keluarga-Pekerjaan terhadap Perilaku Presenteisme

Oleh :
Evan Suryo Prasetya - F0216032 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Presenteeism in employees is a problem that needs to be considered by companies, especially companies in the hospitality sector. Hospitality industry employees are required to provide the best service as one of the selling points of the company, this can affect the stress level of employees. Stress can occur from several factors, such as perceived organizational support, work-family conflict, and family-work conflict. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of perceived organizational support, work-family conflict, and family-work conflict on presenteeism in employees. This research was conducted on employees of 3 to 5 star hotels in Surakarta. Data was collected using quetionnaire and obtained 177 samples that can be processed. Sampling was carried out with a non-probability sampling approach using the purposive sampling method. Testing is done by using the validity test, reliability test, and hypothesis testing using SPSS for Windows software. The results of this study indicate that the perception of organizational support has a negative and insignificant effect on presenteeism. Next, the results showed that work-family conflict and family-work conflict had a positive and significant effect on presenteeism.