
Analisis Kebutuhan Air Domestik di Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun 2020

Oleh :
Zakiyah Mufidah - K5413078 - Fak. KIP

Z akiyah  Mufidah.  K5413078. ANALYSIS  OF  DOMESTIC  WATER  NEEDS  IN SUKOHARJO  DISTRICT  IN  2019  (AS  A  SUPPLEMENT  FOR  GEOGRAPHY LEARNING  FOR  CLASS  XI  IN  THE  SUBUTILIZATION ) SUBJECT  OF  NATURAL  RESOURCE Thesis,  Surakarta  :  Faculty  of  Teacher  Training  and  Education, Sebelas  Maret  University  Surakarta,  December  2020. This  study  aims  to  (1) Knowing  the  differences  in  the  use  of  water  for  the domestic  needs  of  residents  who  live  in  villages,  suburbs  and  cities  in  Sukoharjo Regency  in  2018 ;  (2)  Analyzing  the  use  of  domestic  water  in  terms  of  the employment  level  of  the  population  in  Sukoharjo  Regency  in  2019;  (3)  Analyzing the  use  of  domestic  water  in  terms  of  the  employment  level  of  the  population  in Sukoharjo  Regency  in  2019;  and  (4)  Know ing  the  preparation  of  research  results as  enrichment  material  in  class  XI  geography  learning  sub  subject  matter  of  natural resource  utilization. This  study  uses  a  mixed  method,  namely  quantitative  and  qualitative  with  a spatial  approach.  In  this  study,  t he  population  used  was  all  heads  of  families  (KK) recorded  in  Sukoharjo  Regency which  amounted  to  259,358  people  (BPS  Sukoharjo Regency  2017).  The  selected  sample  is  100  households  and  is  divided  into  3  based on  regional  categories.  The  city  area  is  51  samp les,  the  suburban  area  is  25  samples and  the  village  area  is  24  samples.  This  research  uses  qualitative  research  methods with  a  spatial  approach.  Data  collection  was  used  with  observation,  questionnaire, and  interview  techniques.  Data  analysis  used  descrip tive  qualitative  analysis techniques  with  frequency  tables  and  cross  tables.
The  results  of  the  study  are  as  follows.  First, The  domestic  water  needs  of Sukoharjo  Regency  in  the  village  area  are  103  liters/capita/day,  in  the  suburbs  it  is 112  liters/capita/ day,  in  the  city  area  it  is  122  liters/capita/day.  The  order  of  water needs  if  sorted  from  lowest  to  highest  is  village,  suburb  and  the  largest  is  city.  Then the  largest  type  of  water  use  is  for  washing  and  bathing  activities.  It  can  be concluded  if  there are  differences  in  water  consumption  patterns  for  the  domestic Second, needs  of  the  residents  of  Sukoharjo  Regency  who  live  in  villages,  suburbs  and cities. water  needs  based  on  education  level  in  Sukoharjo  Regency  for people  with  elementary  school  education with  a  need  of  129  liters/capita/day,  thenthe  second  is  people  with  junior  high  school  education  at  112  liters/capita/day,  then people  with  high  school  education  at  111  liters/capita  /day  and  the  smallest  are people  with  the  last  tertiary  education  with a  need  of  94  liters/capita/day.  The  order Third, of  water  needs  starting  from  the  smallest  is  people  with  the  last  education  of  tertiary education,  high  school,  junior  high  school  and  the  largest  is  elementary school. The  results  of  the  study  found  that  the type  of  work  with  the  largest water  need  was  housewife  with  a  need  of  131  liters/capita/day,  while  the  smallest water  requirement  was  Farmer  with  a  need  of  102  liters/capita/day.  If  sorted  from smallest  to  largest  water  needs,  the  order  is  obtained:  Farmer s,  Civil Servants/Police/TNI,  Professionals,  Entrepreneurs,  Traders,  Employees/Private, Workers,  Retirees,  and  Housewives.  The  amount  of  water  needed  based  on  the  level of  work  is  influenced  by  the  level  of  intensity  of  the  work  for  activities/activities  a t home