
Pre-Service Teacher's Experience in Designing Teaching Materials for Vocational High School Students

Oleh :
Afifah Rasya Iskandar - K2217005 - Fak. KIP

The aim of this study is to investigate pre-service teacher’s experience in designing teaching materials for vocational high school students in Central Java. Previous research has relied on the university students without focusing on the material selection and production. This study applies narrative inquiry methods to present the findings. The researcher uses the researcher’s diary before, during, and after the pre-service teacher teaching practicum and also artifacts in the pre- service teacher teaching practicum. Results indicate that the researcher gains some knowledge in college before experiencing the pre-service teacher teaching practicum first before finally being able to design the teaching materials. After being able to design materials, the researcher does reflection on herself. To produce integrated materials, the researcher does the following step: Identifying a need to achieve or a problem to solve; Exploring the need or problem in the aspects of what language, meanings, function, skills, etc.; Contextual realization of the proposed new materials by the finding of suitable ideas, contexts or texts with which to work; Pedagogical realization of materials by the result of proper tasks and activities also writing of proper instructions for use; Physical production of materials, comprising consideration of layout, type, size, visuals, reproduction, tape length, and other factors. Result also shows that the researcher also faces some challenges during the process of designing materials. However, the researcher also finds out the solutions to overcome the challenges. This study has implication for the pre-service teacher since it becomes her important experience for developing her teaching skills.