
Hubungan Antara Koordinasi Mata -Kaki, Power Otot Tungkai, DanPanjang Tungkai Dengan Kemampuan Shooting Dan Passing Bola MelambungDalam Permainan Sepakbola Pada Pemain Usia 15-16 Tahun SSB Indonesia MudaPurwokerto Tahun 2021

Oleh :
Sidang Iskushardianto - K4616080 - Fak. Keolahragaan

Sidang Iskushardianto. K4616080. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EYE-FOOT COORDINATION, LIMB MUSCLE POWER AND LIMB LENGTH WITH SHOOTING AND PASSING ABILITY OF SOARING BALLS IN FOOTBALL GAMES IN PLAYERS AGED 15-16 YEARS OLD SSB INDONESIA MUDA PURWOKERTO ON 2021, Thesis. Surakarta: Faculty of Sports, Eleven University March Surakarta, February 2021. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ankle coordination, leg muscle power and leg length with the ability to shoot and pass the ball soaring. The research used in this study is a quantitative method with correlational techniques. Subjects to be used in this study are the Indonesian Young Purwokerto SSB players aged 15-16 years with a total of 20 children. The sample technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used product moment correlation. The results of data analysis can be concluded as follows; 1) Coordination of the eye-foot with the ability to pass soaring (sig. 0.001, SE. 27.39%, SR. 43.50%), 2) Power of leg muscles with the ability to pass soaring (sig. 0.010, SE 8.34%, SR 13.25%), 3) Leg length with bouncing passing ability (sig. 0.001, SE 27.23%, SR, 43.26%), 4) Eye-foot coordination with shooting ability (sig. 0.002, SE. 20.35%, SR. 30.11%), 5) Power of leg muscles with shooting ability (sig. 0.004, SE 14.50%, SR. 21.45%), 6) Leg length with shooting ability (sig. 0.000 SE. 32.75%, SR. 48.45%), 7) Eye-foot coordination, leg muscle power, leg length with bouncing passing ability (sig. 0.010), 8) Eye-leg coordination, leg muscle power, Long legs with shooting ability (sig. 0.000). The results of the data analysis above can be concluded that: 1) there is a relationship between eye-leg coordination, leg muscle power, leg length and soaring passing ability, 2) there is a relationship between eye-leg coordination, leg muscle power, leg muscle power, and shooting ability.