

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Historical Group Research Berbasis Pedagogi Kritis untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Historis Peserta Didik SMA Negeri 1 Giri Taruna Bangsa Banyuwangi

Oleh :
Moch. Dimas Galuh Mahardika - S862002010 - Fak. KIP


Moch. Dimas Galuh Mahardika. S862002010. 2020. The Development of Historical Group Research Learning Model Based on Critical Pedagogy to Improve Student’s Historical Thinking Skills of SMA Negeri 1 Giri Taruna Bangsa Banyuwangi. Tesis. Mentor 1: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akhyar, M.Pd. Mentor II: Prof. Dr. Leo Agung, M.Pd. Master Program of History Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.


This development research aims to: (1) describe the implementation of historical learning at SMA Negeri 1 Giri Taruna Bangsa Banyuwangi; (2) describe the development of the Historical Group Research learning model; (3) describe the effectiveness of the Historical Group Research learning model to improving the students’ historical thinking skills of SMA Negeri 1 Giri Taruna Bangsa Banyuwangi.

This research used the Borg & Gall research and development method. The stages of this method are practically divided into three major stages including the preliminary study stage, the development stage, and the product effectiveness test stage. The instruments used by researchers include interview guidance, observation sheets, questionnaires and multiple choice quiestions. Data analysis for validation tests in the development stage uses the Likert scale with intervals of 5. The effectiveness test uses the t test to analyze grade point averages differences in experimental and control classes.

The implementation of history learning at SMA Negeri 1 Giri Taruna Bangsa Banyuwangi went well. Before the pandemic, teachers hit several models of learning. During the online learning pandemic, teachers only use powerpoint media in teaching. The problems found in this stage include the lack of learners' skills in practicing historical research methods so that the historical thinking skills of learners cannot be measured properly. The syntax of the learning model developed includes the determination of topics determination, source gathering (heuristics), source verification, interpretation, and historiography. Syntax is validated by experts to find out the shortcomings and as a foundation in making improvements before the trial stage. Validation results that have been done by experts show that learning models and instruments are worth using for research. The results of the test of the effectiveness of the historical thinking skills of experimental class learners and control classes obtained sig (2-tailed) levels of 0.001<005>