
Analisis Komunikasi Antarpribadi Pengajar Terhadap Siswa Disabilitas dalam Membangun Komunikasi Efektif

Oleh :
Wanda Chacha Constantindeo - D0216098 - Fak. ISIP

Deaf-speech disability is a person with a physical condition characterized by an inability to hear (deaf) and speak (speech). Discussing disability education, it is also attached to how people view disability. Based on the Law to disability, persons with disabilities have the same rights as society in general, including education and communication. People with speech-deaf disabilities have different ways of communicating. Therefore, the teacher is required to be professional in delivering learning materials to students with deaf-spead disabilities. This Research is descriptive study using qualitative methods. This study uses DeVito's theory of interpersonal communication, where interpersonal communication can be understood through some uniqueness and intimacy with face-to-face both verbally and non-verbally. Devito stated that the effectiveness of communication occurs if there are: 1) Openness; 2) Empathy; 3) Supportive Attitude; 4) Positive Attitude; 5) Equality. In accordance with speech-impaired students who require openness, empathy, positive attitude, equality, and motivation (supportive attitude) from the teacher. The communication method used by the teacher in communicating with students with deaf-speech disability is non-verbal interpersonal communication through body movements, there is sign language and lip reading. Teachers also apply effective communication to interact with students with speech and hearing disabilities. Barriers to the communication process are physical barriers, semantic barriers, psychological barriers.