
Peran Mangkunegara VIII Dalam Melestarikan Tarian Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung (1981-1987)

Oleh :
Adam Caesariko - B0415003 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya



Adam Caesariko. B0415003. 2021. The Role of Mangkunegara VIII in Preserving the Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung Dance (1981-1987). Majoring in school of history science focus on Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta

This research aims to find out about : (1) Mangkunegara VIII's policies in the sector of culture and arts. (2) The reappearance background of Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung . (3) Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance performance during Mangkunegara VIII period.

This research is a historical research using historical methods, which includes heuristics (document study and literature study), source criticism, interpretation, historiography. Sources of research were obtained from archives, contemporary newspapers that were specifically published by Mangkunegaran and newspapers that generally discussed Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance, as well as related books, journals and previous research. The data collected, then critiqued and verified with a literature study to gain credibility or authenticity. The data were then analyzed and compiled in a historiography.

Based on research and analysis from various sources that have been obtained, it can be said that Mangkunegara VIII was trying to revive the long lost Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance through policies in the cultural sectore. The Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance is a very important Mangkunegaran cultural heritage. The beginning of the Mangkunegaran's formation is illustrated in the Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance. Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung must be performed in the commemoration of Jumenengan Dhalem Mangkunegaran. The performance of the Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance could not match its original form did not happen immediately. With continuous data searches, they were finally able to perform with the original formation.

The conclusion of this study is that the return of the Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance is a benchmark for the rise of art in Mangkunegaran. Messages from the history of the formation of Mangkunegaran are conveyed in every performance. In addition, the Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance became one of the media for the legitimacy of Mangkunegaran power.

Keywords: Mangkunegara VIII, Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung, Jumenengan Dhalem