An analysis of the translation of complex sentences in the novel “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and its translation “Harry Potter Dan Batu Bertuah”
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Adi Wahyu Wibowo - C1303001 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2007. This research focused on the strategies used by the translator in translating complex sentences, and the accuracy of the translation in the novel “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and “Harry Potter Dan Batu Bertuah”.
This is a descriptive qualitative research. It collects the data, classifies, and then analyzes them. This research applies a purposive sampling. The samples are chosen and determined by the researcher based on the certain characteristics. The research was conducted by using primary and secondary data. The primary data consist of 55 numbers of complex sentences with one independent clause and two or more dependent clauses taken from the novel “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and its translation. The secondary data were taken by distributing questionnaire to some experts.
The result of analyzes data shows that there are combinations of strategies uses by a translator in translating complex sentences. These combinations are organized into eight classifications. They are Classification A (Transposition, Borrowing, Omission), Classification B (Transposition, Borrowing, Addition, Omission), Classification C (Transposition, Omission), Classification D (Borrowing, Omission), Classification E (Transposition, Borrowing, Cultural Equivalent, Omission), Classification F (Transposition, Reduction and Expansion, Omission), Classification G (Transposition, Addition, Omission, Modulation), and Classification H (Transposition, Borrowing, Cultural Equivalent, Reduction and Expansion, Omission). Meanwhile, the accuracy of the translation is divided into 3 classifications. They are Classification A (Accurate translation), Classification B (Less accurate translation), and Classification C (Inaccurate translation). Based on the analysis, the accuracy level is high.
It is hoped that this research will be beneficial for the students as one of information sources to increase their knowledge in translation study, especially complex sentences. The researcher suggests students to learn more about complex sentences since it is used in most writings and needed more comprehension to catch the meaning. It is expected that translators will be motivated to produce good and qualified translation. They are also expected to learn not only the target language culture but also the source language culture in order to identify the appropriate meaning. Moreover, the result of this study can be used as a reference for other researchers to conduct a further research related to the study. The researcher suggests to the other researchers to explore more about complex sentences and its translation by reading more books and translating many writings.