
The role of the minor characters upon edward and tom as the central characters in mark twain’s novel the prince and the pauper

Oleh :
Ariasti Antikarini - C1304004 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. This thesis studies the role of minor characters upon Edward and Tom as the central characters in Mark Twain’s novel The Prince and the Pauper. The objective of the research is to describe the role of minor characters upon Edward’s and Tom’s character development as the central characters. In order to achieve this, the approach that will be used is structuralism approach. This research belongs to descriptive research. The data sources are divided into two, primary and secondary data. The main data is taken from the novel The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain published by Harper & Row, New York, 1965 in the form of dialogues and sentences that support the research question. The secondary data is taken from other related sources such as reviews, criticisms and articles which are related to answer the research question. From the analysis, the researcher finds that the central characters of the novel, Edward and Tom underwent the process of development since they became different persons after meeting the minor characters. From each minor character Edward and Tom learned many different things that they never had before. Edward learned the real condition of his people outside of the palace and the life of the ruffians from John Canty, also about sacrifice, loyalty and appreciates others from Miles Hendon. Meanwhile the charming stories from Father Andrew made Tom become a boy who likes imagining, the stubbornness and sternness of Henry VIII made Tom being a liar, and Humphrey Marlow made him learned to understand others. Edward in his adventure learned compassion, and the need to look deeply at the essential nature, and the important of honor and friendship in overcoming adversity to meet with integrity. Tom learned that dreams can and do come true, that one must be careful of what they dream for this very reason and that there is a price to pay for all rank and position.