
Process of teaching vocabulary to the students of Elementary School in SD Negeri 02 Karanganyar

Oleh :
Avif Yuliana Adi Rahadi - C9304090 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. This final project was written based on the job training, which had been done by the writer on March, 1st 2008 in SD Negeri 02 Karanganyar. The purposes of this final project are to describe process of teaching vocabulary to the students of elementary school in SD Negeri 02 Karanganyar, to show the difficulties of teaching vocabulary to the students in SD Negeri 02 Karanganyar, and to give the solution for those difficulties. By observing the class and directly teaching to the students of elementary school in SD Negeri 02 Karanganyar from the first grade until sixth grade class, the writer could write the final project report completely. The process of teaching vocabulary consists of some activities. They are presentation, explanation, exercise, test, and ending the lesson. The materials used by the writer to teach English Vocabulary were taken from LKS entitled FOKUS, the future starts here, provided by school. Besides, the writer also did some activities; one of the activities was game. It is useful for the students to increase the student’s motivation to learn English. During the English vocabulary teaching process, there were some difficulties. They are the student’s characteristics, the student’s pronunciation, the facilities, and the test book (LKS). The writer also gave the solution to solve the difficulties. From the discussion in this final project report, we could know the importance of teaching English vocabulary to the primary level especially elementary students, because vocabulary is the basic matter in learning English language.