The analysis of cooperative conversational strategies on women speeches in the film Women vs. Men (a socio-pragmatics study)
Oleh :
Ayu Widhia Pramadewi - C0303017 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2008. The Analysis of Cooperative Conversation Strategies on Women Speeches in the Film Women vs. Men (A Socio-Pragmatics Study). Thesis: English Department Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.
The subject of the study was cooperative conversational strategies on women speeches. The goals intended were to find the kinds, the use, and the reasons behind the use of the strategies. The conversations were taken from the dialogues in the film Women vs. Men.
This study is a descriptive qualitative research. It used the socio-pragmatics approach. The sampling technique employed in this research is purposive sampling technique. All of the women’s conversation containing cooperative strategies were taken and analyzed.
The findings of the research show that there are nine kinds of cooperative strategies, namely anecdote to introduce a new topic (12, 5%), anecdote on the same theme (12, 5%), verbal minimal response, which consists of agreement minimal response (27, 5%) and facilitative/ supportive minimal response (17, 5%), nonverbal (agreement) minimal response (5%), simultaneous speech type 3 (7, 5%), type 4 (5%) , type 5 (2, 5%), lexical hedges (7, 5%) , and tag questions (2, 5%).
The women characters use both anecdote to introduce a new topic and anecdote on the same theme to develop the topic of the conversation. Agreement minimal response is used mostly in the discussion session. The speakers deliver agreement minimal response with serious facial expression at TRP. On the other side, facilitative minimal response is employed in the narrative session. Simultaneous speech is employed at non-TRP. The speakers employ lexical hedges in the form of question intonation with serious facial expression, while tag question is employed in raising intonation with symphatetic facial expression.
There are several reasons why the characters use cooperative strategies. They use anecdote to develop the topic, so that it changes slowly. The minimal response is expressed by the speakers to show enthusiasm of the topic, to show agreement, to signal attention and concern, and to give contribution in the conversation. Simultaneous speeches are conveyed to show enthusiasm on the topic being discussed. Lexical hedges are used to mitigate the force of an utterance and to avoid a straightforward disagreement, so that the speakers do not hurt the other participant’s feelings. The speaker employs tag question to negotiate a sensitive topic.
Based on the results above, it shows that women use cooperative strategies to show their solidarities among participants in the conversation. It is expected that the research will be beneficial for other researchers in studying cooperative strategies on women speech. The researcher suggests them to analyze cooperative strategies in the conversation involving men and women participants or comparing competitive strategies on men speech and cooperative strategies on women speeches.