
The English Teacher Pedagogical Competency Development

Oleh :
Umi Nur Rohmah - K2214055 - Fak. KIP

Teacher is the most important pillar in education that has a basic duty not only to teach but also to educate. The education quality can be measured by the performance of the teachers. To gain an insight towards how teachers develop their competency, this study is conducted. The focuses are at 1) describing Teacher Professional Development (TPD) activities, 2) how teachers do the activities, and 3) what teahers learn from their TPD actitvities. This study is conducted through descriptive case study research method. The subject of the research is the English teachers in SMA N 3 Boyolali. Four teachers were invited to interview session. Research data were gathered by means of questionnaire, observation, and interview. They were categorised and analysed in accordance of themes. The findings highlight that: 1) the most frequent TPD activity done by the teachers are: a) joining workshop or training, b) doing observation to other classes or schools, c) joining in a network of teacher, d) having discussion with colleagues, and e) reading relevant literature; 2) the ways how teachers do the activity is by self-initiated (57,1%) and institutional (66,6%); and 3) the teachers learned from the activities dealing with understand the classroom situation, determine the goal of the lesson, create learning steps, make appropriate assessment and evaluation, design suitable lesson plan, conduct teaching and learning process and reflect the learning process. Based on the result of the research, the writer suggests that the policy makers should facilitate the teachers to do the TPD activities by providing any information about seminars, workshops, conferences and linked to the other schools in order to improve the teachers’ pedagogical competence. Nonetheless, the English teachers in SMA N 3 Boyolali should have an initiative to try another TPD activities that never been done and continue the ongoing activities that have been done. Furthermore, by improving teacher pedagogical competency, teacher, and school institution would be able to creat suitable lesson so that students’ achievement increased.