
Teaching english grammar at pre-elementary level of junior high school at Hexagonal English Course

Oleh :
Frederika Widi Prihartanti - C9305039 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. This final project is written based on the job training in Hexagonal English Course for a month. The writer took pre-elementary level of junior high school as the object to observe. The aims of this final project report are to know the process of teaching grammar at pre-elementary level of Junior High School, to explain the problems of teaching and learning English Grammar, and to describe the solutions to the problems in teaching English Grammar in Hexagonal English Course. The writer did some activities during the process of teaching grammar. The activities consist of presentation and explanation, practice activity, and test. On this job training the writer taught English material focused on the use and the pattern of simple present passive. In teaching the simple present passive, the writer used Grammar Translation Method and Inductive Method of teaching. Based on the discussion, the writer finds the problems during the process of teaching and learning from the students, the teacher and the institution. The students’ problems were memorizing regular and irregular verbs, lack of attention to the singular or plural subjects, and less practice. To solve those problems, the writer familiarized irregular and irregular verbs, reminded the students through practice, and gave homework. Moreover, the teacher’s problems were limited time and uncooperative students. To solve those problems, the teacher considered predicting the time limit and applied the lesson plan and made the students busy by giving them some activities. The institution’ problem was lack of English knowledge. To solve this problem, the staff should consult his English writing to the expert.