Room boy and its daily problems in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo
Oleh :
Hendra Setiawan - C9305041 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
Hendra Setiawan. 2008. Room Boy and Its Daily Problems in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letter and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.
Hotel has many departments. They are Housekeeping Department, Food and Beverage Department, Front Office Department, Personnel Department, Sales and Marketing Department, Accounting Department, Engineering Department and Security Department. Housekeeping Department is a very important department because it has an important role in a hotel. In Housekeeping Department, room boys have the very vital job because they meet the guest directly and they have responsibilities which are connected to the guest rooms.
This report is based on the job training done by the writer in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo as a staff of Housekeeping Department. The aims of this report are to explain about room boy in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, to describe the daily problems of room boy and how to solve the problems.
The result shows that room boys in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo have many duties and responsibilities but keeping the room clean is the main responsibility and duty. The daily activities of room boy are divided to six points. They are the beginning of the shift, preparation, the first checking, entering the guest room, making up the guest room and the end of the shift. The room boys of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo also face some daily problems when doing their activities.
The writer gives some suggestions to the hotel and housekeeping department to add more employees and to complete the need of room boy in order to improve the quality services of the hotel to the guests.