Aplikasi info pariwisata Magelang berbasis mobile dengan J2ME
Oleh :
Faulia Ayu Nur Izzawati - M3106004 - Fak. MIPA
Tourism Information is very important to promote the resorts of Magelang. It was can do by phone media through Mobile Application, realize that now a days the function of Handphone was not just for communication but also changed to multifunction peripheral with the all fitures inside there. Java programmer language, especially J2ME was able to build a Mobile Application. And the purpose of this research was to build a Mobile Application for Magelang Tourism Information Based on Java.
The method for this research is observation and literature study. Observation method was done by looking for all information about Tourism in Magelang from website and Tourism Department. Literature study method was done by learning the tutorial and books about build a Mobile Application with JAVA programmer language.
This application could become a promotion media for tourism of Magelang and also give easily guide for tourists to get some information of Tourism in Magelang.
Keywords : Mobile, Java, Tourism