
Perancangan Desain User Interface Mobile Application Pets Adoption Solo Cat House Berbasis Android

Oleh :
Dimas Nur Setyawan - C0717017 - Fak. Seni Rupa dan Desain

Dimas Nur Setyawan 1 Arif Ranu W., S.Kom, M.Kom 2 ABSTRACT Dimas Nur Setyawan. 2021. The introduction of this final project is entitled "Design User Interface Mobile Application Pets Adoption Solo Cat House Based On Android". In this final project?s design, the author focuses on the creative strategies that emphasize its procedures to make it easier for customers to obtain adoption services. The problems studied are: (1) how to design an interactive and communicative android-based Solo Cat House application user interface design?. (2) how to design supporting media for application pets adoption Solo Cat House as a means of promotion?. The purpose of this design is to provide and improve online pet adoption services to customers without having to come directly to the Solo Cat House pet shop but only with one effective and efficient platform. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with observation data collection techniques, in-depth interviews, questionnaires, literature studies, and documentation. The media that is considered capable of providing a solution to this problem is an Android-based mobile application that can order pets adoption services online. Mobile applications are media that are common in today's society with their easy, fast, practical use, and equipped with complete and informative service features. Therefore, the expected results of this design are able to help people, especially those who want to have pets without being complicated. In addition, the Solo Cat House pet shop business actor also benefits from establishing close interaction and communication with their consumers.