Pembuatan detektor asap rokok dengan alarm berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51
Oleh :
Dhani Septiana Wulandari - M3306017 - Fak. MIPA
This final assignment makes an application smoke detector with alarm that
is controlled by microcontroller AT89S51 based on the concentration of the
smoke detected by smoke censor AF30.
This final assignment uses an observation method and a book literature
study to collect data in the preparation of this final assignment. This application
of smoke detector examines to test the each module used in all network. The
examination result was concluded by giving some input at smoke censor AF30
that comes from of cigarette smoke. AT89S51 microcontroller than processes the
signal and triggeles a buzzer to produce sound.
It was concluded that :
1. At the time of smoke with its concentration is more than 10ppm detected,
buzzer would sound and yellow led indicator turned on.
2. At the time of smoke with its concentration is equal to 100ppm detected,
buzzer would sound more quickly and red and yellow led indicator turned
Keyword : Detector Smoke AF30, Microcontroller AT89S51, buzzer