
Budidaya tanaman bawang daun (Allium fistulosum L.) di kebun benih hortikultura (KBH) Tawangmangu

Oleh :
Lela Meltin - H3306017 - Fak. Pertanian

ABSTRACT Practice of this apprentice aim to obtain is skill and job experience in the field of agriculture especially on leaf onion crop cultivation. Execution of apprentice was done on Februari 9th until March 9th 2009 in KBH Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, Surakarta. Basic method applied in this practice was field practice, discussion, interview, data collecting and book study. While retrieval of location practice of apprentice was done intentionally. KBH TAWANGMANGU selected as place of apprentice because yielding a lot of seeds required by public either from vegetable commodity, fruits and ornamental plant. Cultivation of leaf onion in KBH applies its sapling because more efficient, economical in field farm and labor. Leaf onion clump taken as seed is better if which is easily born, its bar is joint, its leaf is big and thick. Before planted, the clump is eliminated some of its roots and leaf, then plunged at condensation containing atonic dose 2 ml and metallic with dose 1 ml during 10-15 minutes. Maintenance activity of leaf onion covers watering, mowing, bedding and additional fertilizing. Additional fertilizing in KBH was done 3 times that is 2 MST, 1 month of after planting and 1,5 months after planted. Fertilizer applied is KNO3 and black NPK. Pest control is done mechanically and chemically. Harvesting of leaf onion is done at the age of 2,5 months with marking number of sapling per clump and some onion laminas starts turns yellow and drying. Keyword : cultivation of leaf onion crop