

Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Inquiry Social Complexity pada Materi Ekologi untuk Memberdayakan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik

Oleh :
Tantri Tania - S101808013 - Fak. KIP

This study aims to: 1) determine the characteristics of the ISC-based ecological e-module to empower students' critical thinking skills. 2) Testing the feasibility of the ISC-based ecology e-module to empower critical thinking skills. 3) Knowing the difference between the ISC-based ecological e-module in the control class and the experimental class.

The research and development method uses the ADDIE procedure which consists of the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate stages. The development process requires several stages of testing a team of individual research subject experts and revisions in order to improve the final product so that it meets the criteria for a good product. Data analysis used during research and development is descriptive qualitative and quantitative.

The results of research and development: 1) the ecological e-module based on Inquiry Social Complexity was developed according to the Inquiry Social Complexity syntax and critical thinking skills visualized in the objectives, materials, activities and evaluation questions to empower students' critical thinking skills; 2) The feasibility of the ecological e-module based on the Inquiry Social Complexity was obtained based on the validation of experts and educational practitioners who showed good to very good qualifications, 3) The linkage of the e-module based on the Inquiry Social Complexity was shown by the unpaired t test which obtained a significance value <0>