

Teachers Beliefs and Practices in Teaching Reading Through Mall: a Case Study At English Course in Surakarta

Oleh :
Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis - S891702012 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research aims to: (1) to explore teachers’ beliefs in teaching reading through MALL regarding teacher’s role and student’s role, (2) to investigate how teachers’ beliefs in teaching reading practices through MALL regarding teacher’s role and student’s role are reflected in the classroom, and (3) to examine what factors that contribute to the discrepancy, if there is any, between teachers’ beliefs and their practices.
The researcher used qualitative research along with a case study approach. The data were obtained using interviews, observations, and documentations. This research applied several strategies to gain data trustworthiness and data credibility. Data analysis techniques used in this research included data condensation, data display, conclusion drawing, and verification.
The result exposed that there were four teacher’s role believed by the teachers. Those roles were teacher as manager, director, controller, and facilitator. In addition, the result revealed that there were four student’s role believed by the teachers. Those roles were students as passive receptor, participant, initiator, and performer. Moreover, some beliefs were not reflected in the classroom practices. Furthermore, the result discovered that there were three factors contributing to the discrepancy between teachers’ beliefs and their classroom practices. Those factors were the impact of external reasons, teacher insufficient or wrong understanding of pedagogical theory, and teachers’ other beliefs conflicting to the reflected beliefs.

Keywords: Teachers’ Belief, Teaching Reading, MALL, Online Learning.